5 Most Popular Travel Destinations In Asia

 Asian continent is a continent rich in culture. To be able to visit Asia, could be likened you never stop learning. Why is that?

Because while visiting Asia, you will find beautiful and exotic things you've never tasted. You can see a beautiful view, listen to and appreciate music, smell the exotic, enjoy the sunshine, and a myriad of flavors to taste typical dishes.

As quoted asianranking.com, the following are 10 cities that have the most beautiful scenery in Asia:

1  Angkor wat

Angkor wat
If you've ever seen the movie Tom Raider, maybe you can already see how wonderful the similar building called frangipani temple angkor war. The building does look complicated but the beauty of the surroundings will certainly make visitors feel welcome.

 2  Halong Bay

Halong Bay
   Halong bay which is a UNESCO heritage site is listed in the Most popular tourist destinations in Asia. Vietnam's Halong bay offers a beautiful green lagoons behind which there are cliffs of limestone and has a beautiful blue sky background.

 3  Bromo - Semeru - Tengger

Bromo - Semeru - Tengger
   It turns out there are sights Indonesia who managed to enter the list of the most famous sights in the world. Tourist destination in East Java province is presenting the beauty of the beautiful sunrise from the top of the mountain so as to be able to see, you have to climb first.

 4  Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang

   Luang prabang in laos is a city that is often chosen as a tourist destination for tourists. The architectural style of the beautiful city and the cleanliness of the city to spare prabang people who see berdeca amazed.

 5  Borobudur
   You claim to be Indonesia surely you are familiar with the Borobudur temple. The temple was never entered as the 7 wonders of the world are Most popular tourist destination in Asia, so do not be surprised if a lot of foreign tourists who want to see immediate Buddhist relics in Indonesia.
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