Friday, 24 February 2017

10 River Confluence Most Beautiful In The World

   In terms of geography there Confluence is the meeting of two or more bodies of water. Known also as the Conflux, referring to the point where a tributary joins the larger stream called main stream or where the two streams meet to become the river with a new name such as the meeting of Monongahela rivers and streams Allegheny in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania created a river Ohio. 

   The term is also used to describe a meeting tidal or non river water bodies such as the two channels or canals and lakes. Below is a collection of some of the outstanding Confluences worldwide. To explore further, there is a list of interesting Confluences Wikipedia essentials that we recommend you read. Confluence below were selected because of the dramatic visual contrast them. Thus large Confluences famous for culture as Sangam near Allahabad, India, where the holy rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meet to create one of the most sacred in Hinduism, were excluded for this reason. Here are 10 River Confluence's Most Beautiful In The World:

1. Confluence of the Rhone River and the River Arve in Geneva

   Switzerland The confluence of the Most Beautiful In this extraordinary photograph can be seen the meeting of two rivers, namely the Rhone river and the river Arve in Geneva, Switzerland. 
   The river on the left is coming out of the Rhone river from Lake Lehman and the river on the right is Arve which receives water from many glaciers in the Chamonix valley (especially the Mer de Glace) before it flows to the northwest Rhone on the west side of Geneva. Because the levels of sludge mud is much higher than the Rhone river, it looks a striking contrast to the meeting of these two rivers.

2. Meeting Ilz River

    Danube & Inn in Passau, Germany The confluence of the Most Beautiful Ilz river is relatively small mountain stream and has a bluish color while the river Inn is a fairly large river that flows from Salzburg, Austria at the top. River Inn has more waterways than Danube river, but the river is a combination of three rivers still named after the Danube river. 
   This photo was taken from the castle Oberhaus (now a city museum) at the top of the cliff above the city Ilzstadt Passau in Lower Bavaria, Germany. The city is also known as Dreiflüssestadt or "City of Three Rivers".

3. Meeting the Ohio River and the Mississippi River at Cairo

  Illinois, USA The confluence of the Most Beautiful Ohio River provides water to the Mississippi River south of Cairo, Illinois, a small town where these two rivers meet.
   Brown water Ohio River laden with sediment flowing from the northeast to the south, in contrast to the green and relatively little water sediments from the Mississippi River (flowing from the northwest to the south).

4. Meeting Jialing and Yangtze River in Chongqing

   China The confluence of the Most Beautiful Jialing River on the right stretches 119 kilometers. In the city of Chongqing to meet with the Yangtze River. Clean water of the Jialing River meets the brownish-yellow water of the Yangtze River.
   Yangtze River became heavier after absorbing water Jialing and went on his way past the three gorges and stretching thousands of miles.

5. Meeting of the Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes near Manaus

   Brazil The confluence of the Most Beautiful Two different-colored water is the water of the Rio (river) Negro dark (almost black) and yellowish brown water of the Amazon River or Rio Solimões Rio. Two different water this color along a 6 km (3.7 miles) continue to run side by side without mixing. 
   It is one of the main tourist attractions in Manaus, Brazil. This phenomenon is caused by differences in temperature, speed and density of the water from the two rivers. Rio Negro flows almost 2 km per hour at 28 ° C while the Rio Solimões flows between 4 to 6 km per hour with a temperature of 22 ° C.

6. Meeting of the Green River and the Colorado River in   Canyonlands National Par

  Utah, United States The confluence of the Most Beautiful Green River is a very long stream formed in the Wind River Range of the Rocky Mountains in the Bridger Teton National Forest, Sublette County, Wyoming.
   The river runs south into Utah, turn east to Colorado and finally back turned to the south where it ends at the confluence of the Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park in San Juan County.

7. Meeting Thompson River and Fraser River at Lytton

   BC, Canada The confluence of the Most Beautiful Thompson River ends here in Lytton, British Columbia, Canada where she meets the Fraser River. The contrast was striking when the waters of the Thompson joined Fraser muddy river.
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