Monday, 13 February 2017

Here's 5 Most Creepy Places on Earth

    Many places in the world that have a fearsome reputation. Either because of the legend, myth, mystery, or the location of the crime scene had been a terrible case.

    Although spooky and horror, just a lot of people who made curious. Even the few who are willing to come all the way in order to visit those locations - with a heavy price though.
     Here are five places that are considered the most horrific in the face of the Earth, as quoted from, Saturday (06/02/2016):


1. Chase Vault

 This place is a graveyard of the Church in Oistins, Christ Church, Barbados. Before burial, the bodies buried for one night at the Chase Vault, inside the coffin that would be buried.
Which makes this awful place the crates are moved around the position of the previous place.

2. Xochimilco

     This place is an island full of dolls. But the doll is not a doll cute but otherwise in this island there are a lot of creepy dolls. The most famous legend there said that there were three young girls playing in the area near the water. One of them fell down and eventually drowned.
    Local people said that since the incident, the spirit of the girl did not leave the island. Then came a man who claimed to have been talking to the ghost. He listened to her story and then buy a doll for sightings of the girl. But then the ghost of the girl wants more dolls until he made Julian, the name of the man killed on the spot where the girl is never dead.

3. Lawang Sewu

     The place is certainly no stranger to the people of Indonesia, the building is located in Semarang, Central Java. Many stories about the buildings that stood since 1917 by the Dutch East India Railway, one of which is the appearance of a figure Noni Netherlands at an event one television station.
    The woman is believed to have committed suicide and his ghost haunt the Lawang Sewu. Another story of this place is a ghost who does not have a head that often roam the corridors and basement.

4. Joelma Building

    The place is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the building is supposedly haunted by the victims of the fire that occurred on February 1, 1974, after the air-conditioning unit located on the twelfth floor was damaged and cause a spark.
   The building is famous for "Thirteen Mystery of Life", the number of people who died in the elevator, when they tried to escape the flames. The thirteen ghosts allegedly haunt the building to this day.

5. Babenhausen Barrack 

    This place has now become a museum, this building originally used as a barracks for the German army. Lurid stories most frequently in describing is shouting commands in German that sounded at midnight.
     There are also stories of women who mumbling on the phone with a language that is poorly understood. This ghost is believed to have killed several German soldiers

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